Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation
8 – 9 MARCH 2024, Athens, Greece
Harokopio University (GR), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (FR), University of The Aegean (GR)
MSc Programme in Strategic Management of Tourism Destinations and Hospitality Enterprises
CHANGED VENUE: Crowne Plaza Athens Hotel, situated at 50 Michalakopoulou Avenue, 11528, Athens (https://www.cpathens.com/).
The venue is a 5-minute walk from Megaron Moussikis metro station (blue line). Please check the directions here (https://maps.app.goo.gl/
The tourism and heritage sectors have been gravely affected by recent crises (pandemic, conflicts, climate change, energy crisis, etc.): the COVID-19 pandemic has severely reduced international tourism flows, while the recent energy crisis has led to a profound questioning of our modes of daily life, leisure and tourism.
Crises are periods of intense questioning. It is widely acknowledged that the shocks we have endured will have lasting repercussions on our life models, practices and values. However, even if we emerge transformed, the tendency to continue doing “business as usual” is still strong. A tension is thus currently observed between, on the one hand, the awareness of a general need for new development models and even the willingness of the tourism sector to propose new models and, on the other hand, market pressures for more conventional, even dubious, investments, threatening both the physical and the cultural heritage and environment.
The conference seeks to explore the tension between the “old world” and the need to invent new paradigms on the interface and intersections between tourism and heritage. Why, after several decades of sustainability discourses and practices, are we still struggling to implement new management models? What are the governance models that we can put in place for the sustainable development of tourism, in synergy with heritage and culture? What are the changing models industry needs to adopt in order to achieve a necessary re-invention of tourism? What is the role of destinations in the context of processes of resilience, sustainability or transformation, as instigated by recent and ongoing crises? What is the place of local societies in this process and how can they be empowered? How can citizens be more effectively mobilized and enabled to participate in a positive tourism development, in connection with their cultures, landscape, and heritage, be they tangible or intangible, cultural or natural?
We invite both senior and junior researchers, NGO actors and industry. This is intended to be both a high-level scientific conference and a platform for exchange between researchers and tourism/ heritage stakeholders (sites, museums, intangible heritage, natural sites, parks, etc.). The results of the conference will be published in scientific journals and a “white paper” will be published (drafted? issued?) for tourism and heritage stakeholders and civil society.

Dr. Bernadette Quinn, Senior Lecturer, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Technological University Dublin
“Regenerative tourism and cultural heritage: nurturing place and local knowledge”

Dallen J. Timothy, Professor-School of Community Resources, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
“Cultural Heritage and Tourism: Protecting the Past, Sustaining the Future”

Harry Coccossis, emeritus Professor of Planning, University of Thessaly, Greece
“Building Resilience in Tourism and Heritage interface : Facing Change, Vulnerabilities and Risks”

Alessia Mariotti, PhD, President of the Rimini Campus Board, Department for Life Quality Studies, Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism, University of Bologna, Rimini Campus
“Heritage form below, tourism from above? An endless game between governance and scale”

Dimitrios Buhalis, Professor Bournemouth University Business School
“Publishing innovative research in top ranking journals and get recognised internationally”
While the emphasis of the conference is on the interlinkages between tourism and culture/ heritage, abstracts/ papers may relate to (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- Contemporary and recent heritage and sustainable tourism development
- Crisis management in the tourism, culture and heritage sectors
- The changing roles of tourism stakeholders, problems and perspectives
- Limits of acceptable change and nature-based solutions
- Sustainable planning and marketing for tourism and culture/ heritage
- Policy-making and governance in the sectors of tourism and culture/ heritage
- New approaches to destination management
- New paradigms of governance for sustainable tourism and culture/ heritage
- New ethics in sustainable tourism and culture/ heritage
- Local/ regional community-based and bottom-up approaches in tourism planning
- Co-creation, co-development and innovation in bottom-up, participatory, creative, community-based initiatives in tourism
- Awareness raising, sensitization, mobilization of local societies/ communities for tourism, heritage and local development
- Education on sustainable programs in tourism and heritage
- The digital turn in tourism
- Special-interest tourism products
- The role of the landscape in new tourism shifts/ trends
- Off-the-beaten-track tourism and heritage development
- Intangible heritage and tourism
- New urban tourism
- Smart tourism
Maria Gravari-Barbas
Sofoklis Skoultsos
Theano S. Terkenli
Paris Tsartas
Konstantinos Abeliotis – Harokopio University
Francesca Cominelli – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Evangelia Georgitsogianni – Harokopio University
Vasiliki Georgoula – University of the Aegean
Maria Gravari Barbas – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Nicholas Karachalis – University of the Aegean
Alexios-Patapios Kontis – University of The Aegean
Ioannis Kostakis – Harokopio University
Vasiliki Kostarelli – Harokopio University
Anna Kyriakaki – University of The Aegean
Roido Mitoula – Harokopio University
Andreas Papatheodorou – University of The Aegean
Despoina Sdrali – Harokopio University
Sofoklis Skoultsos – Harokopio University
Theodoros Stavrinoudis – University of The Aegean
Theano S. Terkenli – University of the Aegean
Eleni Theodoropoulou – Harokopio University
Linda Boukhris, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Aurélie Condevaux, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Sébastien Jacquot, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Jean-Michel Chapuis, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Jean-Michel Tobelem, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Submission of Abstracts: 31 October 2023 30 November 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 15 November 2023 15 December 2023
Submission of Final Paper: 15 April 2024
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are happy to announce workshop with the title: “Publishing innovative research in top ranking journals and get recognized internationally” by Professor Dimitrios BUHALIS-(Bournemouth University)
Abstract text should not exceed a total of 1000 words and the keywords must be 6 or fewer.
Please Submit your Abstract at intocus@hua.gr.
Please follow the template provided here.
Early Registration (Extension – ΤΒΑ ASAP): 230 EUR
Full Registration: 280 EUR
Student Early Registration: 100 EUR
Student Full Registration: 120 EUR
Further registration details will be announced soon.
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
Via Tourism Review https://journals.openedition.org/viatourism
Tourism Geographies