Evangelia Georgitsoyanni, Professor
Harokopio University
Evangelia N. Georgitsoyanni is a Professor in History of Art and Civilization at the Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Economics and Sustainable Development. She also is Deputy Director of the International Master Program (MSc) “Sustainable Tourism Development: Cultural Heritage, Environment, Society”. She holds a bachelor of history and archaeology degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a master’s degree (D.E.A.) and a PhD from the University of Paris I (Panthéon – Sorbonne). She has served as a Vice-Rector of academic affairs and personnel at the Harokopio University, a Dean of the School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics at the same University, as well as a Vice- President of the General State Archives of Greece. She was member of the Scientific Committee of the Hellenic Parliament for the Exposition and the Catalogue “Greeks in Diaspora. 15th -21st cent.” (2006). She hosted and organized, on behalf of Harokopio University, the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Association of Significant Cemeteries of Europe, Athens 2017. She also co- organized the international conference “Port cities and Maritime Routes in Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea (18th-21st cent.)”, Harokopio University & University of Macedonia, Athens 2018. She has conducted extended research regarding the Greek diaspora, focusing on Greek funerary monuments at cemeteries in Southeastern Europe.
- Gavra, E. and Georgitsoyanni, E. (eds), 2020, International Conference “Port Cities and Maritime Routes in Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. 18th-21st centuries”, Harokopio University & University of Macedonia, Athens, 22-24 November 2018, Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia Publications.
- Georgitsoyanni, E. (ed), 2019, Ancient Greek Art and European Funerary Art Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Georgitsoyanni, E., 2018, “The Cultural Heritage of European Cemeteries as an emerging touristic interest: the case of Greek cemeteries” in Legniti, Al. (ed.), Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe, Annual General Meeting, “European Cemeteries in the European Year of Cultural Heritage”, Innsbruck, 20 – 22 September 2018: Maribor: Pogrebno podjetje: 59-71 (https://www.significantcemeteries.org/2018/09/agm-2018-conference-volume.html)
- Lappa, Al. and Georgitsoyanni, E., 2016, “Integrating Cultural Heritage into Contemporary Life. The Perspective of Local Communities: The Case of Arcadia, Greece”, Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences 1:39-49.
- Georgitsoyanni, E., Sardianou, E., Lappa, Al., Mylona, E., 2013, “Prospects for Local Development based on Cultural Assets/Heritage: The Residents’ Perspective.” in Sklias, P. & Tzifakis, N. (eds.), Greece’s Horizons. Reflecting on the Country’ s Assets and Capabilities, Springer: 147-160.